Frequently Asked Questions

Amerijet FAQ

Amerijet Locations and Hours

Can I get a listing of all The Amerijet station locations?

We do not make network listings available. Please use the store locator to search for Amerijet Station locations across the United States, Puerto Rico and worldwide.

Where can I find Amerijet station business hours?

Prices, services and hours of operation vary by location.
Please use the station locator to find the location nearest you, and click the ‘location Website’ link to see store hours for a specific location.

Amerijet Careers

How do I apply for a job with Amerijet?

Visit to view and apply to positions available with Amerijet.

Amerijet Customer Support

How do I get support for one of your Amerijet Stations locations?

You can either contact the Station location directly or reach out to the customer service team at the Amerijet Headquarters.

Amerijet Tracking and Shipping

How do I start shipping online?

You can open an account online here.

When will the package arrive?

Although the Tracking Page can provide up-to-date package status information, we are currently unable to predict the exact delivery time for a particular package. Additionally, security concerns would prevent us from releasing the information.

Amerijet Shipping Rates

Where can I find pricing information?

In order to find out the price for a specific product or service (e.g., quotes, costs, freight estimates, etc.); please contact your local Amerijet Station.
You can estimate shipping costs online to see costs for the different Amerijet shipping options.

What is the cheapest way to ship a package?

The price of your ship depends on a variety of factors. Please contact your local Amerijet Station or you can estimate shipping costs to see the potential costs for the different Amerijet shipping options.

Amerijet Flight Schedule

Where can I find the flight schedule?

You can locate the flight schedule, along with delivery destinations, on our site.

Amerijet Shipping Services

What are the shipping services you offer?

What is an oversized package?

An oversized load or overweight load is a load that surpasses the normal legal size and/or weight limits for a specified portion of air freight. At Amerijet we offer oversized package shipping for those who need to ship cumbersome packages

How do I ship a large item?

Amerijet offers oversized shipping across many industries, in support of production lines, construction, and energy-related projects. Amerijet’s Mission Critical Planning Team works closely with every customer to ensure the safe and effective delivery of heavy/oversized freight and mission-critical shipments.

How do I ship a frozen package?

Whether you are shipping fresh or refrigerated goods temperature-sensitive shipments require a high level of care.

Amerijet Temperature Controlled service offers shippers the ability to ship temperature-controlled solutions for all types of perishable goods.

What airlines ship animals?

With over 40 years of experience in transporting live animals, Amerijet’s trained specialists work closely with customers to plan your animal shipment every step of the way, from documentation to transportation to ground transfers.

Our primary objective is to always ensure the safety of your animal.

International Shipping

Do you ship internationally?

Amerijet has more than 40 years of air cargo experience handling all types of freight and offers all-cargo scheduled and charter air services to leading destinations in the Caribbean, Mexico, Central America, and South America.

The experienced Amerijet team will provide you with services that include pick-up, customs clearance, and world-class security procedures.

To learn more, call Amerijet at 1-800-927-6059.

Do I need additional documentation in order to ship internationally?

Most countries have different laws and regulations when it comes to shipments which require additional documentation. We offer assistance filling out all of the necessary documentation or you can find what you need in our document library.

Amerijet Fleet

What type of aircraft do you use to ship cargo?

The Amerijet fleet consists of Boeing 767-300/200 aircraft that are equipped to handle all types of cargo.

Need Assistance?
Click the button to provide us with feedback or receive assistance from an Amerijet representative.

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